
Herceg Novi is recognizable by the abundance of mimosa trees and its numerous flights of stairs. It’s often called ‘The City of the sun’, thanks to the large number of sunny days all year round.

The centre of Herceg Novi is its Old Town (Stari Grad), decorated with buildings dating back to the epochs of Sahat – Kula (1667) and Kanli – Kula (1483). Fortress Spanjola (1538) and Fortress Forte Mare (1687) are only a part of the cultural heritage of this renowned town.

Rich with greenery, Herceg Novi hides numerous kinds of tropical flowers. Towards the end of January the town becomes scented with the subtle fragrance of yellow and green mimosas and there is a special festival dedicated to this flower, called Praznik Mimosa. During the summer months many festivals are organized to further enrich the tourist offer of this enchanted town.

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