
The beginnings of the Herceg Novi tourism are connected to the XIX century. Back at that time the tavern of Sjora Roza and the café “Bella Vista” are mentioned. Still, the precursor of the modern hotel keeping on the Montenegrin coats is thought to be the Hungarian nobleman Antal Magyar from Budapest, who in the 1902 built a “Boarding house on the green beach” in Zelenika, which later became hotel “Plaza” (BEACH) – Zelenika.

As in all other town on the Coast, Herceg Novi also has a mild Mediterranean climate; with dry and warm summers and mild winters. In the summer months (July and August) the town has approximately 10, 7 sunny hours per day. The sea temperature in Herceg Novi during the summer is 22 – 26 Cº, and with approximately the same daily air temperature it allows the swimming season to last up to 5 months.

Today Herceg Novi Riviera spreads on the length of 25 km and it encompasses 7 lodgments, that is, tourist places of which every has some characteristic and uniqueness. We’ll tell you some of the places: Meljine, Bijela, Djenovici, Kumbor, Zelenika… Herceg Novi has very nicely arranged beaches. 62 of them (registered) spread from Njivice to the cape Macak (CAT) on the peninsula Lustica. Except the attractive – natural ones, Herceg Novi in the recent years abound in modern swimming beaches, which are located next to the hotels or beside picnic areas.

We’ll mention some of the Herceg Novi beaches:

The beach Njivice is a public beach, situated in the same named lodgment. It is 4 km away from Herceg Novi. It represents the combination of the rocky, sandy and concrete base. People from Novi also call it Kraljicina plaza (QUEEN”S BEACH).

In the place called Sutorina, which is several kilometers away from Herceg Novi, towards the west, there is the biggest public beach on the Herceg Novi Riviera, which has the surface of 9.000 m2 – Blatna plaza (MUD BEACH). It is rich with very healing sand and mud.

The beach of the Rehabilitation center Igalo is also a public but paved beach. Then we have another paved beach, the beach of the hotel “Igalo”. Still, the most attractive public sandy beach is “Raffaelo” below the same named tourist complex. According to numerous poles of tourists, the beach “Raffaelo” is No 1.

As all other public beaches “Milasinovica plaza” (BEACH BELONGING TO MILOSINOVIC FAMILY) is opened for tourists as well as for the citizens of Herceg Novi during the entire season. It is situated in the place called Topla. There are also other very attractive beaches like “Montenegrina” (WOMAN FROM MONTENEGRO) or the beaches near the tunnel. In the city harbor there is the beach “Bijela vila” (WHITE FAIRY), today a public beach and it used to be the main bathing resort in Herceg Novi. Nearby this beach is also the beach “Zalo” (WAVE), with medium small send and pebbles, and also the public sandy beach “Corovica plaza” (BEACH BELONGING TO COROVIC FAMILY).

The beach of the hotel “Perla” which is situated near the center of the town, which is built with the combination of concrete and sand, is ideal for the tourist of the more refined taste. Very attractive and of the same soil structure is the beach “Azzuro” a hotel, but at the same time a public beach in the place called Bijela, which is 13 km away from Herceg Novi.

Touristy interesting in the last years are beaches “Zanjice” and “Mirista” which are a part of the same named picnic areas. Zanjice are the favorite picnic area on Herceg Novi Riviera. The beach which is situated there is public, and is made of combination pebbles, concrete and sand. Very interesting beach is also the beach in the cove Miriste. It is made of combination of concrete and sand.

Interesting because of its name is the beach “Fenix Montenegro” in Meljine, a place which is 3 km away from Herceg Novi. It is a combined concrete – sandy beach.

The guests of Herceg Novi, and mostly the excursionists gladly visit the sandy beach “Dobrec” on the peninsula Lustica, which as a blue flag flattering, and whose total surface is 600 m2. All the mentioned beaches mostly have the entire beach equipment: easy chairs, parasols, showers, water, electricity… A great number of beaches has the extra services such as café – -bars, restaurants, their own parking lot or some other services.

When we are talking about the beach and bathing capacities of Herceg Novi, you unavoidably have to say that in the recent time tourists are interested in two actual bathing beaches. Nearby the city harbor is the bathing beach “Yachting club”. It is open for all the tourists and citizens. It is made of combination of concrete and sand. It offers the complete service. As a part of the bathing beach there are a restaurant and a pizzeria. If you are a fun of exhibitions on the sea, “Yachting club” offers the renting of motor – scooters, training in the school of diving, renting of bicycles etc…

A part of the hotel “Plaza” in Herceg Novi there is a completely arranged bathing beach, which has the surface of 3.600 m2, and as a part of the beach there is a beach bar. If you decide to spend your vacation in Herceg Novi, it is best that from day to day you think about what new beach you should visit, because there are 62 registered beaches. If you wish to reach the beaches in Herceg Novi quickly, you can choose between the renting of the taxi boats, larger taxi boats, or barges, which are mostly situated in the city harbor. The information about how to get to the beach that you wish to visit you can get from kind people from Herceg Novi, in numerous tourist agencies, restaurants or in the Tourist organization of Herceg Novi.